Tips for Eliminating Laundry Pileups
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As an equipment manager juggling multiple responsibilities, the last thing you need are laundry pileups. If you and your staff struggle to keep pace with dirty uniforms, loops and towels, consider replacement washers and dryers with the technology to take you to new production and performance levels. Read on for tips on how to cut laundry processing time so you and your staff can wash and dry most loads in less than 60 minutes.

Cut Dry Time in Half with High-Speed Washers
Look for commercial soft-mount washers that generate sustained extract speeds of 300-
450 G-force. These high-speed washers remove the maximum amount of moisture from
laundry during extract, which decreases laundry time in the dryer by up to 50 percent. When
compared with commercial hard-mount washers, which generate extract speeds of just
100-200 G-force, soft-mount, high-speed washers remove significantly more moisture from
laundry loads.
Choose Washers and Dryers with Flexible Programmability
Highly programmable machines are critical for several reasons, but when it comes to improving laundry productivity, programmability means wash and dry cycles can be streamlined to provide the best possible wash and dry in the least amount of time.
Add Large-Capacity Machines
A larger washer and dryer allows you to process more laundry each day. Our Sports
Laundry Systems washers are available in 20- to 90-pound capacities; our dryers come in
25- to 125-pound capacities. Check in with your equipment distributor or myself for sizing
recommendations based on your goals.
Invest in Washers with a Corner Status Light
There are washers on the market with corner indicator lights that illuminate in different colors as cycles change — immediately notifying operators. At Sports Laundry Systems, we offer washers with these status indicator lights as a timesaving feature. No matter where operators are in the laundry room, they can immediately see the washers’ lights change so there is no wasted lag time when transferring loads from the washer to the dryer.
Go with Sports Laundry Systems for Maxed Productivity
By following these suggestions, you’ll successfully process more laundry in considerably less time — allowing you and your staff to focus on other important duties. At Sports Laundry Systems, we have the technology and features to save you time!